7 gut-soothing foods to relieve Crohn’s disease symptoms

7 gut-soothing foods to relieve Crohn’s disease symptoms

Crohn’s is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects a person’s digestive tract, primarily the intestines. If mismanaged, it can lead to complications, including specific cancers. Since the disorder affects each person differently, there is no standard list of healthy foods for all patients. However, studies show that some food items tend to soothe Crohn’s flare-ups and provide relief, which doctors may recommend after considering the patient’s symptoms and other factors. Yogurt Unsweetened, natural yogurt is rich in probiotics. It contains digestion-friendly bacteria that help reduce stomach inflammation. However, yogurt is not recommended for those who are lactose intolerant. Overnight oatmeal Diarrhea is a common sign of Crohn’s disease. Overnight oatmeal can help tackle this problem by absorbing water from the gut. Since oats contain high levels of soluble fiber, soaking them overnight makes them easier to digest. Berries Strawberries and blueberries digest quickly and have antioxidant properties that protect cells from damage. Other low-fiber, fast-digestible fruits like ripened bananas and watermelon can also help soothe the gut and provide instant energy. Salmon Salmon is a versatile food that can be grilled, broiled, or baked. Its high content of omega-3 fatty acid reduces inflammation, while its high potassium content maintains the body’s fluid balance during flare-ups.
5 foods to avoid for better gut health
Diets & Meal Plans

5 foods to avoid for better gut health

A strong gut is among the cornerstones of physical and mental well-being, symbolizing a robust immune system and preventing health scares. While some may be more predisposed than others to a sensitive stomach, some lifestyle changes can benefit all individuals. For example, everyone can follow a meal plan that comprises essential nutrients and is free of harmful elements. Here are five foods to avoid to maintain a healthy gut: Red meat Red meat consists of N-nitroso chemicals, which have been proven to damage the bowel lining. It is also high in saturated fats, contributing to inflammation and increased cholesterol levels. Thus, swapping red meat with lean meat sources like skinless chicken, turkey, and pork chops is advisable. Refined flour Refined flour converts to a glue-like substance in the intestines, considerably slowing digestion. It also has very little nutritional value and does not contribute to boosting gut health. Replacing refined flour with whole-wheat or multigrain flour can instantly make a difference. Individuals with gluten intolerance must choose gluten-free flour like almond flour and cornflour. Sugary foods A meal plan high in sugary foods can absorb your stomach’s good bacteria, which plays a vital role in digestion. A lack of essential bacteria can increase sugar cravings, perpetuating a vicious cycle.
5 foods to avoid on a cruise

5 foods to avoid on a cruise

For most holiday travelers, going on a cruise is a great way to unwind from life’s daily hustle and bustle. Once aboard, they can simply take a nap whenever they feel like it, enjoy sunrise and sunset without worrying about deadlines, or spend hours playing cards with their friends. But, amidst all the fun, travelers must be careful about what they eat on a cruise. Here are five foods to avoid when on a cruise: Scrambled eggs Scrambled eggs (especially when it is made and served on a cruise) often contain harmful bacteria such as listeria and salmonella that can give anybody a bad tummy for days, or might lead to other diseases. This makes scrambled eggs one of the top five foods to avoid when on a cruise. To avoid stomach sickness, travelers can instead opt for fresh or hard-boiled eggs instead of scrambled eggs. Old pizza Unfortunately, most pizzas served on cruises may come with a congealed-cheese look, indicating that they have been kept in the open for a while. Such pizzas are old and, most possibly, stale, making them unfit for a meal. In fact, any dishes containing old cheese, if served aboard, automatically classify into the top five foods to avoid when on a cruise.
Thyroid cancer – Causes and silent warning signs

Thyroid cancer – Causes and silent warning signs

In the country, around 1% of all new cancer diagnoses yearly are that of the thyroid. This butterfly-shaped gland near the base of one’s neck regulates hormones, blood pressure, heart rate, weight, and body temperature. Any abnormal cell growth in this gland leads to cancer. While such a condition can strike at any age, those more vulnerable are between 25 and 65. Herein, we discuss the subtle warning signs of thyroid cancer and its causes. Silent warning signs of thyroid cancer Thyroid cancer does not exhibit any symptoms or indicators in its early stages. More often than not, it is found during a routine neck exam or during a scan used to identify other conditions. But if left untreated, it may form a lump that develops as a tumor. Below are some of the silent warning signs of thyroid cancer that should prompt one to seek medical help: Neck pain that begins at the front and seems to extend to the ears An unusual lump or nodule that one can feel through the skin of one’s neck A sudden change in one’s voice, including hoarseness Trouble breathing normally; one may feel like one’s breathing through a straw Inability to swallow with ease due to a nodule growing on the thyroid gland A feeling that tight-fitting shirt collars are becoming increasingly restrictive A persistent cough not caused due to cold Inexplicable throat pain Swollen lymph nodes Causes of thyroid cancer According to the American Cancer Society, the risk of thyroid cancer in women is three times higher than in men.
3 foods that help manage thyroid cancer

3 foods that help manage thyroid cancer

Cancer is a term used to describe diseases where there is a rapid multiplication of abnormal cells in the body. Thyroid cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the thyroid gland. The exact cause of thyroid cancer is unknown. But, there are various treatments that can help prevent the spread of this disease to other organs and manage the condition’s symptoms. Here are three foods that are safe to eat when undergoing thyroid cancer treatment. Fruits Fruits are an essential part of our meals. They are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and a whole lot more. They provide us with fibers and natural sugars and make for a perfect snack. Many do not know that these foods are also recommended for those undergoing thyroid cancer treatment. This is because essential nutrients such as vitamin C and lycopene support the treatments. They enhance the biochemical pathways through which chemotherapy works. Not to mention, many of them are also filled with pectins that help detoxify the body from harmful chemicals such as mercury that are linked to thyroid troubles. Those who have thyroid problems can try adding food such as apples, pears, oranges, and more to their daily meals. Nuts and legumes Beans, nuts, seeds, and even legumes are also recommended for those who are undergoing thyroid cancer treatment.
6 common mistakes new parents should avoid for the baby’s well-being

6 common mistakes new parents should avoid for the baby’s well-being

Raising a child is perhaps among the most rewarding yet challenging tasks for parents. The process can be particularly overwhelming for new parents trying to gain a firm foothold in the world of parenting and child-rearing. Newborn babies need special attention owing to their unique requirements and constant physical development. On the bright side, avoiding certain common mistakes can help new parents stay on track with caring for the apples of their eyes: Not purchasing a crib According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, all babies must have their own cribs rather than sleeping on beds beside their parents. This is because cribs ensure that children sleep continuously on their backs, facilitating adequate safety and helping prevent sudden infant death syndrome. Not pre-burping the baby Pre-burping a baby essentially means inducing burps before the baby has its meal. Pre-burping helps prevent flatulence and aids digestion. Babies are typically more comfortable after burping, making them more at ease during and after meals. Skipping pumping sessions Breast pumping during breastfeeding or at specific times of the day is essential to ensure that your baby receives an adequate supply of breast milk. It is advisable to follow a pumping routine, particularly if you need to spend time away from your baby.
4 foods that can trigger eosinophilic esophagitis

4 foods that can trigger eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic immune system condition. Here, the body’s immune system starts producing a large number of eosinophils—a type of white blood cell. These cells begin to grow in the lining of the esophagus, which connects the mouth to the stomach. Over time, the buildup can lead to inflammation, allergies, and acid reflux, among other symptoms. Here is a look at certain foods that can trigger this condition : Wheat products Studies have found a strong correlation between eosinophilic esophagitis and food allergies. This is why doctors recommend that one should avoid foods that are likely to cause allergic reactions. Wheat is a common food allergen, which induces a reaction as the body produces antibodies to certain proteins found in wheat. Some people may be allergic to a specific protein called gluten. Milk Milk and milk products are other common food allergens that should be avoided by those with eosinophilic esophagitis. Here, the immune system identifies some of the milk proteins as harmful, leading to inflammation and flare-ups. With eosinophilic esophagitis, the body starts to produce more eosinophils over time which leads to a buildup in the lining of the esophagus. This is why it is best to avoid dairy products such as milk, cheese, buttermilk, ice cream, ghee, margarine, sour cream, mayonnaise, and condensed milk.
3 top foods to manage eosinophilic esophagitis

3 top foods to manage eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic immune disease characterized by the rapid growth of eosinophils in a person’s esophagus. There are multiple factors that trigger this condition. One such factor is the body’s allergic reaction to certain foods, such as milk, eggs, wheat, shellfish, and others. These foods are major sources of nutrients. Therefore, their substitutes must be good sources of proteins, vitamins, and other nutrients. Some top foods for those with eosinophilic esophagitis are: Coconut milk The protein found in cow’s milk is one of the prime triggers of EoE. Therefore, healthcare professionals suggest that people with EoE can have coconut milk, which is nearly identical to cow’s milk in terms of nutritive value and does not contain the proteins and elements that cause inflammation in the esophagus of individuals. In fact, since all dairy products trigger EoE in patients, it is advisable for them to instead have coconut-based dishes such as coconut smoothies, coconut ice cream, coconut yogurt, and similar other foods. The absence of dairy in a person’s daily meals helps them to avoid allergic reactions that aggravate the chronic condition. As a result, coconut milk is one of the top foods for eosinophilic esophagitis patients. Gluten-free oats Gluten, found in standard oats, is one of the other major triggers of EoE.
Understanding multiple myeloma, its early signs, and symptoms

Understanding multiple myeloma, its early signs, and symptoms

Multiple myeloma (MM) is a type of cancer that develops in the body’s plasma cells. While healthy plasma is meant to help our bodies fight infections and diseases, cancerous plasma produces abnormal proteins that cause complications. Though there is no known cure for multiple myeloma, prolonged remission is possible. Read further to learn about the common symptoms experienced by multiple myeloma patients and the causes and treatment options for this condition. Symptoms There are various signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma. The earliest sign people often notice is bone pain. Some other health conditions often linked to multiple myeloma include bacterial infections such as pneumonia, thrombocytopenia, bone fractures, kidney complications, amyloidosis, hyperviscosity syndrome, and cryoglobulinemia. Weakness or numbness People with multiple myeloma often face weakness or a feeling of numbness in their hands and legs. Myeloma can also affect the bones in the spine, causing them to collapse and press on the spinal cord. Hypercalcemia Signs of hypercalcemia include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and feeling thirstier than usual. People with myeloma may experience one or more of these symptoms. Unexplained loss of body mass and fatigue Due to a lack of appetite and loss of immunity, MM patients may experience unexplained loss in body mass.
5 unique and useful gift ideas for men

5 unique and useful gift ideas for men

Role models as fathers, eternal partners-in-crime as brothers, and indispensable support systems as husbands, men perform multiple roles for which they are seldom credited. Acknowledging the important people in our lives does not require considerable effort. Simple yet thoughtful gifts can go a long way in conveying your gratitude without involving gallant proclamations. If you are looking to surprise a significant gentleman in your life, here are some unique gift ideas for him: Fashionable smartwatches If a male family member or friend is “walking the extra mile” for fitness, consider surprising him with a classy smartwatch. Modern smartwatches ensure overall well-being in several ways. For instance, they send “drink water” reminders, track exercise routines, have functional sports modes, and monitor heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep. They can also be easily integrated with cell phones, notifying users of calls and messages and allowing them to access mobile apps. Smart mugs with temperature control Know a man who loves steaming hot coffee but is too busy to drink it hot? A smart mug with a temperature-control feature is your ideal gift to him. Such mugs retain the coffee’s temperature for approximately 1.5 hours, allowing users to enjoy their beverage at leisure without having to reheat it.

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5 early warning signs of poor blood circulation

5 early warning signs of poor blood circulation

Blood circulation is a vital process that ensures the continuous flow of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. It keeps all bodily organs functioning, ensuring optimum health. However, certain health conditions, including peripheral artery diseases and high blood pressure, can disrupt circulation. In such cases, the essential nutrients may not reach some body parts. It is when people experience certain warning signs that indicate that their blood circulation needs a boost. Varicose veins These develop when additional pressure builds up on the blood vessels, obstructing normal blood circulation. Varicose veins may also occur due to damage to blood vessels, disrupting blood circulation in the veins. As a result, the veins appear twisted or engorged, usually in the lower extremities, such as the lower area of the leg. Blood clots These can occur anywhere in the body, blocking blood flow, either completely or partially. Although it can develop in any body part, the clots forming in the legs or arms are generally responsible for causing blood circulation issues. Sometimes, a blood clot in the abdomen can also indicate poor blood circulation. Muscle cramps When the body cannot get sufficient oxygenated blood due to poor circulation, it can cause cramps, especially in the legs.
6 early signs of poor lung health

6 early signs of poor lung health

We might not heed a cough that won’t go away or wheezing while breathing, assuming it might be because of air quality or changing weather. However, mild but chronic symptoms like these must be noted down. People often think that trouble with breathing is normal as they get older, but these might be signs of severe lung disease. With this in mind, here are six warning signs of poor lung health that should not be ignored. Chronic cough A cough that won’t go away and has been around for eight weeks or longer is considered chronic. The constant symptom indicates something might be wrong with the individual’s respiratory system. If one experiences this, they should visit a healthcare expert for an opinion immediately. Excessive mucus production The mucus lines the surfaces of organs like the lungs and serves as a lubricant to keep tissues from drying out and as a line of defense. But if someone develops excessive mucus in their throat or chest that won’t go away, it could be a sign of lung disease. Wheezing Noisy or strained breathing is a potential sign that something might be obstructing the airwaves in the lungs or forcing them to narrow.
5 warning signs of eczema to watch out for

5 warning signs of eczema to watch out for

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a skin disorder in which the skin feels extremely itchy, is flaky, and can appear reddish and inflamed. While the skin condition usually develops and is common in young children, it can occur at any age. It is also observed eczema patients are at high risk of having asthma, hay fever, and some food allergies. Keep reading to learn more about the early warning signs of this disease. Reddish and itchy skin Eczema usually starts with this symptom, which can be noticed on the feet, hands, and face. The skin may also become scaly, rough, and dry in certain areas. It needs to be properly diagnosed by a healthcare professional for initiating proper topical treatment. Blisters In some cases of eczema, one of the symptoms includes developing blisters. These are small and often have fluid filled in them. They can also be extremely itchy and, when scratched, may break and ooze on the skin. In addition, it can lead to further skin irritation in the area. Cracked skin This skin condition develops thick skin, which gets inflamed or swollen and can lead to cracks. It can get extremely uncomfortable, especially around the areas where the skin is thin and folded.
6 foods to avoid before taking a flight

6 foods to avoid before taking a flight

Preparing for a flight is not only about what you pack into your bags but also what goes inside your stomach. Luxurious seating and business-class hospitality cannot compensate for a poorly planned meal before a flight. Changes in air pressure and density on board a flight cause a shift in meal requirements before and during one’s air journey. This article provides a list of foods that one should avoid before boarding a flight: Apples The proverb “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” cannot be more accurate, considering the abundance of antioxidants and vitamin C in apples. However, the fruit is extremely high in fiber content, which may cause problems with digestion and lead to bloating. Such issues can have a more severe impact while one is on board a flight. Hence, it is best to opt for fruits like oranges, berries, and papayas, which are easier to digest, before flight journeys. Cruciferous vegetables Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts are high in vital nutrients; however, they can be heavy on the stomach and trigger digestion issues. They are also rich in a sugar called raffinose, which often causes bloating. It helps to avoid cruciferous vegetables before a flight, swapping them with lighter foods like white rice, fermented foods, and instant oats.
5 common skin care myths debunked

5 common skin care myths debunked

With heaps of information floating around promising to uncover all secrets about skincare and beauty regimes, it can be daunting to find well-grounded sources. Many urban legends and myths are also passed down through generations, and these seem to do more harm than good. To help you make the right decisions for your skin’s health and overall glow, here are some popular myths you must know about and the science behind them! Myth: The order of application of skincare products doesn’t matter! There is a correct way of applying your skincare products, which helps ensure that it is absorbed properly and works effectively. Work with your dermatologist’s recommendation if you are confused about the right order of application, or go from the lightest to the heaviest density of product formulation. The general order is to start with a cleanser, followed by toner or mist, and then serums, moisturizers, facial oils, and sunscreen. Myth: You only need to wear sunscreen on sunny days The sun’s UVA and UVB rays can penetrate through the clouds and many types of glass, which can cause permanent damage to your skin. It is vital to wear sunscreen every day and reapply it every couple of hours, regardless of your exposure to the sun.
5 surprising facts of long-haul flights

5 surprising facts of long-haul flights

While long-haul flights may be taxing, typically from one part of the world to another, luxury aircraft entails world-class facilities to ensure comfortable, hassle-free flight journeys for passengers. Such flights have collectively increased accessibility to cities and towns across the globe, allowing individuals to reach distant lands in relatively short periods. Today, several passengers board long-haul flights for commercial purposes and leisure. So, let’s take a look at some surprising facts about these flights: Almost every aircraft has some minor defect The sensors in a plane provide information to the team on the ground about any defects or problems in the aircraft. It has been observed that there are some minor defects in almost every aircraft, such as the jamming of a window. In case of significant issues, the team posted on the ground can directly contact the pilots. Flight attendants have a secret chamber Unbeknown to most long-haul flights, almost all have a secret room dedicated to flight attendants. This room helps flight attendants rest and avoid unruly passengers. They can access the cockpit and comprise bunks. Some of them entail business-class seats and a washroom. You may be traveling with a rhino No, it is not just a dog or cat taken on a flight.