8 signs of hearing loss that shouldn’t be ignored
If “seeing is believing,” what is hearing? Hearing, too, is an important part of communication and plays an indispensable role in helping one perceive the world. Roughly 1.8 million people aged 12 and above in the country are affected by severe hearing loss. Owing to technological advancement, several facilities, including hearing aids and assistive learning devices, have been devised to help individuals who are hard of hearing. Timely detection of hearing problems helps doctors recommend suitable interventions. Here are some warning signs of hearing loss: Inability to understand what others say In the initial stages of losing their hearing, individuals cannot typically understand what others are saying, especially in crowded places. They may ask others to repeat themselves frequently and find it difficult to hold conversations. Difficulty hearing the other person over the phone Phone conversations can be harrowing for those with hearing difficulties, as they often find it difficult to follow the other person over a call. Thus, individuals who are hard of hearing and live alone may experience loneliness because of their inability to communicate over the phone. Tendency to increase TV or radio volume Those who are hard of hearing may find it difficult to hear dialogues or music playing on TV or radio.