Top remedies and treatments for GERD

Top remedies and treatments for GERD

Top Remedies and Treatment for GERD

GERD stands Gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is characterized by a condition in which the stomach acid flows back into the food pipe. This backwash severely affects the esophagus lining. While many people experience acid reflux occasionally, GERD is a lot more severe and a chronic form of this problem.

The different treatments and remedies to keep heartburn or GERD at bay are:

Treatment measures for GERD

The typical treatment steps for heartburn and GERD involve:

  • The doctor recommends a few over-the-counter medicines that mainly consist of antacids. These can help in neutralizing the formation of acid inside the system.
  • Some medicines, known as H2 receptor blockers, help prevent the formation of acid. They can be tried as well.
  • The doctor may ask you to take medications that are available to lower the sphincter muscles.
  • In very severe cases, procedures like LINX device and fundoplication may also are required.

Lifestyle remedies for GERD:

Some of the best lifestyle remedies for heartburn and GERD include:

Eat many small meals frequently

One should avoid eating large meals at once. Having large portions may end up putting extra pressure on the stomach. Large amounts of food can make one a lot more prone to acid reflux.

Pay attention to your posture

It is highly recommended to keep a watch on one’s posture. Ensure that a good posture is maintained when eating. After the meal is over, avoid lying down for at least 45-60 minutes.

Wear the right clothing

Not a lot of people know this, but the clothes you wear can impact your internal process. They can help make the digestion process a lot smoother. Experts suggest avoiding wearing tight clothes, especially which fit very tightly around your abdomen. So, the key is to wear comfortable clothes.

Curate a list of foods that are safe

As far as acid reflux is concerned, making changes to your diet can help. You would need to make a list of safe foods and avoid them accordingly. On the other hand, making improvements to your diet is highly recommended to avoid problems. Foods that you can consider safe in the category of milk and milk products are low fat, low-fat cottage cheese, fat-free yogurt, and even soy milk.

Use fruits to your advantage

Another thing to do to keep GERD at bay is to consume fruits. However, there are certain trigger foods that you should avoid. These include:

  • Tangerine
  • Grapefruit
  • Pineapple
  • Lime
  • Orange

Safe fruits include fresh fruits, frozen fruits, and canned fruits. So, speak to your lifestyle medical practitioner and get a list of the foods you can safely eat.

These measures above will help one keep heartburn or GERD at bay. It is mild and may occur at least twice in the same week. However, some may even experience severe acid reflux, which happens weekly. If this happens, consult your doctor right away.

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