Foods one should eat to maintain kidneys and liver health

Foods one should eat to maintain kidneys and liver health

The human body has a system of multiple inter-related processes. The kidneys and liver are crucial organs, as these cleanse your body of toxins. Any disorder or infection in these organs may interfere with the other bodily processes. One needs to be aware of certain remedies and foods that help keep these organs in peak shape.

For the kidney

Here are three home remedies and foods that may be beneficial to treat kidney infections:

Drink water and cranberry juice

If one wants relief from kidney infections, it is vital to flush out harmful bacteria. Drinking six to eight glasses of water daily is helpful. Additionally, malic, quinic, and citric acids found in cranberry juice are also beneficial to relieve infections in the urinary tract.

Apply warm and moist heat

To soothe irritated nerves and reduce pain, using a warm water bottle or heating pad to the affected areas is beneficial. One must cover the heated bottle with a cloth to avoid burns. Apply the heat compress for 10 to 15 minutes.

Drink green tea

Green tea extract is known to have an antibacterial effect on bacterial strains that cause urinary tract infections. Consuming green tea may be beneficial to alleviate the discomfort caused due to kidney infections.

While these remedies may be beneficial, it is essential to seek expert guidance to help relieve pain due to severe symptoms. Moreover, giving the body adequate rest is also helpful and results in relief from the discomfort.

For the liver

Fatty liver disease may be caused due to excess alcohol consumption. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) may occur if someone is obese or suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, or cholesterol. Lifestyle and diet changes are essential to seek relief from this condition.

Here are three home treatments and foods that may be beneficial for the liver:

Eat the right foods

Including fresh fruits and vegetables, such as berries, cucumbers, oranges, eggplant, dates, broccoli, melons, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, leafy greens, carrots, apples, peppers, and dates, to one’s diet is beneficial. Also, increase the consumption of legumes like chickpeas, beans, pulses, peas, and lentils. Avoid the consumption of eggs and lean poultry. Eating unprocessed cereals and grains like quinoa, brown rice, couscous, and whole oats is also beneficial.

Drink coffee

Coffee provides several benefits to your liver and stimulates the production of liver enzymes that fight against inflammation. Drink between two and three cups of black coffee daily to reduce liver damage.

Eliminate added sugar products

One cause of NAFLD is known to be the consumption of dietary sugars like sucrose and fructose. Avoid processed and packaged foods, such as flavored yogurt, candy, energy and sports drinks, baked foods, ice cream, and sugary cereals. Get into the habit of reading the ingredients while buying packaged foods to avoid harmful sugars.

Lastly, get active, as inactivity may contribute to the possibility of NAFLD. At least 150 minutes per week of moderate activity is highly recommended. A simple brisk walk for 30-minutes five days a week is advised.

Healthier diets, a more active lifestyle, and reducing stress in your life will help keep kidney and liver disorders at bay.

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